Visionary INFJ

INFJ Visionary
Personality type

Visionary INFJ

Personality type

INFJ Visionary

INFJ description:

INFJ is a person who:

I (introverted) — is focused on the inner world
N (intuitive) — likes to work with ideas and abstractions
F (feeling) — trusts feelings in making decisions
J (judging) — prefers a structured and planned life
INFJs are sensitive and insightful. Their strong intuition and unique ability to anticipate events and understand the feelings and motives of others contribute to the fact that they are often called Visionaries. When they talk with people, they can tell others more about them than they know about themselves. INFJs need to learn to trust their intuition.

Visionaries can connect disparate parts of the whole, bring harmony to communication between people, and maintain a balance of effective processes, tasks, and relationships. Often INFJs are in the observer position. First, they study the situation, collect facts and form conclusions and insights. After some time, they begin to implement this in new and unusual systems or forms.

INFJs prefer to choose professions where they can be creative, partly independent, and implement their ability to read people and anticipate events. They feel called to make this world as good as possible, strive for a rich and meaningful life, and value close connections with other people. INFJs are dedicated to their work. Visionaries have very interesting and unusual hobbies. Their minds are inquisitive and constantly searching for invisible connections in this world. Unfortunately, other people often do not understand the talent of INFJs, also because Visionaries choose a complex and obscure language to broadcast their ideas.

Having their system of values, Visionaries tend to idealize the world, believe in a happy future, and feel that everyone is beautiful by nature. As a result, they are sometimes very disappointed in people.
INFJ statistics in the world:
  • 2% of the total population
  • 2% of women
  • 1% of men
INFJs are sensitive, sincere, and deep. They hold a special place in the hearts of loved ones. Visionaries are selective in forming a circle of communication and do not share their thoughts and feelings with everyone. Those they let into their world have the opportunity to see the full depth and beauty of a person with the INFJ personality type.
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You have a good intuition or sixth sense — you can foresee the outcome of events or say things about a person that he does not know about himself
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You first look around, gather information, and then act
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By nature, you tend to idealize the world and people and to believe in the best
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Sometimes it's hard for you to explain what justifies your choice - you just feel it
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Self-improvement is an important part of your life. You want to get better day by day
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You strive to do everything perfectly, which can be very demanding and draining for you
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You're more focused on the future than the present, and you try to focus your energies on potential opportunities
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You are more interested in the spiritual side of life than the material
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You like to read deep and interesting books and attend events that give you subtle, nuanced feelings and experiences
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INFJs are not afraid of difficulties, and they can enter into complex relationships. They often and for a long time reflect on philosophical topics, questions of ethics, and their feelings. Calmness, patience, and attentiveness make INFJs good consultants and advisors. Behind the external simplicity and gentleness of the Visionaries, there is a complex personality with a special system of views and values, which they are ready to defend resolutely.

INFJs are perceived by others as quiet, delicate, caring, and attentive. Others often look to Visionaries to listen to other people's ideas and problems.

Sometimes Visionaries are incomprehensible to the interlocutor, as they are very metaphorical and associative in their statements. But at the same time, they have the ability to organize the world around them and systematize relationships and knowledge in people. They often neglect everyday trifles and do not see problems in the daily routine. That is why attention to detail and connection to the present is certainly useful for Visionaries.

Visionaries do not like conflicts and try not to offend other people. A highly charged conflict situation causes INFJs to feel resistance and repressed anger. They prefer to ignore the conflict until the last possibility, which leads to stress and health problems. They need to be able to express their feelings, not hide them and openly talk about needs.

Often Visionaries are perfectionists and strive to do everything flawlessly, which distances them from the realization of their plans.

INFJ strengths:

Creative thinking. With a lively and vivid imagination, INFJs easily generate new ideas and extraordinary ways to solve complex problems. Their interest revolves around people, rather than technical strategies, which allows them to inspire colleagues to be creative.

Integrity. Visionaries strive for personal growth, engage in their own development, and help others reach their potential.

Organization and purposefulness. Passion for the chosen work is an integral part of the personality of INFJs. They are not afraid of hard work and will make every effort to perform it in the best possible way. This perseverance helps Visionaries achieve their goals and objectives.

Mindfulness of other people. INFJs are effective in interaction, tactful, and attentive to the needs of others. Visionaries create a relaxed work environment around them that encourages independent thinking and creative expression.

Altruism. Empathy and sincere concern for others make INFJs in some ways true servants of people. It is extremely rare for Visionaries to do something for their own benefit. They tend to be very friendly and selfless, although these traits may not be noticeable at first glance.

Insight. INFJs are able to see future perspectives because they have a sharp mind and can envision the big picture.

Creative but consistent approach. People with the INFJ personality type generate unique ideas and have enough patience to bring them to life.

More about INFJ

INFJ's professions INFJ's romantic relations INFJ's working style INFJ's conflict style INFJ's leadership style INFJ's decision-making style INFJs under stress
INFJ's professions INFJ's romantic relations INFJ's working style
INFJ's conflict style INFJ's leadership style INFJ's decision-making style

Famous INFJ people:

Mahatma Gandhi

J. K. Rowling
Carl Jung
Morgan Freeman

Mahatma Gandhi

J. K. Rowling

Carl Jung

Morgan Freeman

What will be useful for INFJ to learn:

Be flexible and don't get lost in a situation of change. INFJs have a hard time adapting to change. They remain true to their intended path and continue to follow it, even if it was worth reorienting long ago.

Stable self-esteem. INFJs are sensitive to criticism that challenges their internal principles and values. At such moments, they can show unexpected stubbornness and anger.

Self-organization. INFJs are not always able to estimate accurately the amount of time it takes to complete tasks. Often they overestimate their strength and resources, plunging into the problem entirely.

Attention to detail. Because INFJs focus on the big picture, they may miss important facts and details in their work.

Ability to stay open. INFJs are very closed people by nature. They find it difficult to trust others and prefer to find answers to questions on their own.

Work in moderation. INFJs strive to achieve a perfect result, so they often exhaust themselves to the limit at work.

To cope with household chores. INFJs find it difficult to be practical with routine tasks, so they often forget to do them. They would benefit from developing a plan to do such tasks or delegate them.

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