Defender ISFJ

ISFJ Defender
Personality type

Defender ISFJ

Personality type

ISFJ Defender

ISFJ description:

ISFJ is a person who:

I (introverted) — is focused on the inner world

S (sensing) — values facts and specifics

F (feeling) — trusts feelings in making decisions

J (judging) — prefers a structured and planned life

Defenders are traditional and consistent. They honor traditions, maintain relationships, and take care of the people around them. Defenders are loyal friends, attentive and non-confrontational. They are focused on practical help to other people — they will always try to give good advice. They believe in the best in people, appreciating harmony and kind relations. 

ISFJs are good observers, able to notice details, accumulate information about other people and events. They make decisions based on their own experience and their inherent value system.

Defenders love order, respect the rules, and sincerely honor them. They are tolerant of the working team and find it difficult to break up with people who are valuable to them. ISFJs study well in practice. It is important for them to immediately apply what they have just learned. They will prefer the traditional ways of teaching rather than abstract concepts and theories, and, in general, Defenders do not like to learn anything new. Only practical value and benefit can motivate them to change. 
ISFJ statistics in the world:
● 9% of the general population
● 11% of women
● 6% of men
Defenders tend to be well versed in their own feelings, as it is important for Defenders to express them. But ISFJs have a hard time dealing with strong emotions and also say unpleasant things to people. Silence and patient humility are often how Defenders deal with emotions, but this is not always useful.
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You like order, sequence of actions, and predictability
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You are always ready to help a friend and give advice
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You like listening to people much more than talking. You have a hard time sharing information about yourself and making new relationships
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As a master planner, nothing escapes your attention
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Loyalty is one of your main qualities. You can hear, accept, and not judge the different opinions of other people without faulting them for their mistakes
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You like taking care of people and often put someone else's interests above your own
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You don't like conflicts. But if your interests are affected, you defend your boundaries until you win
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You can fully reveal yourself and feel comfortable only with a small circle of people
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It's not always easy for you to accept the fact that not all people are as focused as you are
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Defenders are very shy and do not like to attract too much attention. Sometimes they don't easily connect with new people and don't immediately let new people into their social circle. If the job of Defenders involves interacting with new people, it will be helpful for them to find different ways to strengthen the relationship. When contact is established, you can expect a very deep relationship with this type of person. ISFJs are sensitive and attentive listeners.

Defenders differ from other people by a developed sense of duty. For them, commitments made are not empty words, and they will do everything possible to justify the trust of others. You can definitely have confidence in these people. Others have a lot to learn from the ISFJs.

ISFJ strengths:

Reliable. Defenders will keep their promise. When it comes to work, they will do it right. And when it comes to personal relationships, they will not let you down and will be there when you need it. Instead of spontaneous actions, they tend to be well-organized, thinking through a plan and doing things on time. Defenders are attentive to details and often try to do even more than required.

Hard-working. Another advantage of Defenders is that they are excellent workers. They are very executive and are ready to work 100%. Defenders are motivated by success, so they strive for it.

Kind and sensitive. Defenders are a very delicate type that empathizes with people's problems. They are good listeners and help people in any way they can, sometimes even sacrificing their own desires in order to make other people happy. Also, they are dedicated to close relationships and are always willing to support and care for the people to whom they are close.

Serious and calm. People with the Defender personality type remain calm in stressful situations, approach problems rationally, and are not subjected to general panic. They work better when they are given step-by-step instructions and clear expectations.

Non-conflicting. Feeling bad in conflict situations, Defenders worry about the feelings of others and try in every possible way to keep the peace in the relationship. If a quarrel occurs, then the Defenders are very forgiving and will try to reconcile.

Practicality. ISFJs do not like theory, abstract and incomprehensible ideas, and even from rest, they seek to benefit.

Responsiveness. Defenders are like life vests — they are always ready to come to the rescue and support. Participation in the lives of others and a sense of usefulness fill Defenders with energy.
More about ISFJ in infographics
ISFJ's professions ISFJ's romantic relations ISFJ's working style ISFJ's conflict style ISFJ's leadership style ISFJ's decision-making style ISFJs under stress
ISFJ's professions ISFJ's romantic relations ISFJ's working style
ISFJ's conflict style ISFJ's leadership style ISFJ's decision-making style

Famous ISFJ people:

Mother Teresa

Kate Middleton

George W. Bush

Vin Diesel

Mother Teresa

Kate Middleton

George W. Bush

Vin Diesel 

What will be useful for ISFJ to learn:

Long-term planning. It is difficult for them to plan for the future, dream, set long-term goals, and work on them. They are busy with pressing matters and do not think about how their life will turn out in 10-15 years.

The ability to say "no." Defenders take on too many tasks. It's hard for them to say no. They are over-responsible, take on everything themselves, can't delegate their responsibilities, and, as a result, are constantly overloaded.

Openness to new experiences. Defenders are not inclined to look for new opportunities and solutions, prefering to act in proven ways and not change. They find any changes difficult to get through.

Self-confidence. Defenders underestimate their abilities and talents, feeling that they are not good enough or not worthy of recognition. While they often suffer from low self-esteem, they are able to enjoy the success of others.

Stable and high self-esteem. ISFJs tend not to blame others, and all failures are sooner attributed to themselves. Emotions destroy them from within as a result of self-examination and self-recrimination.

Switchability. ISFJs perform their work carefully and with the highest quality. They do not like haste and do not like to be distracted or do many tasks at the same time.

To relax. Defenders are always in pursuit of something. They should learn to relax and let others do the same. There is no productive work without good rest.

Don't hold a grudge inside. ISFJs sometimes think they are alone in this world, but they are not. All they have to do is call out for help. When they share their worries, people will respond.

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