Teacher ESFJ

 ESFJ Teacher
Personality type

Teacher ESFJ

Personality type

 ESFJ Teacher

ESFJ description:

ESFJ is a person who:

E (extraverted) — is energized by new events, actions, and people
S (sensing) — values facts and specifics
F (feeling) — trusts feelings in making decisions
J (judging) — prefers a structured and planned life
ESFJs are reliable and responsible. Their activities are aimed at satisfying the interests of others. People are a priority for them. ESFJs often take care of the younger generation and others, so they are called Teachers. They have organizational talent and the ability to please people.

Teachers are responsive and always ready to help. They like to work in the field of caring for other people and do everything possible to make everyone happy. At the same time, they are genuinely interested in people's lives and are often ready to do more for others than they are asked to do. It is important for Teachers to feel warm in their relationships, to feel valued, and to receive support and approval for their actions. The ability to empathize and accurately understand the emotions of others gives ESFJs the gift of being endearing and convincing. It is important for Teachers that people accept and appreciate them for who they are. Praise-dependent Teachers too often expect external approval. They should work to be more self-sufficient.

ESFJs create an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation in the team. You can easily imagine them as the organizer of an event, festival, or exhibition. People are happy to be around Teachers. Often, people shift their problems and tasks to responsive Teachers.
ESFJ statistics in the world:
  • 9% of the general population
  • 11% of women
  • 6% of men
A clear moral code and well-established values determine the behavior and expectations of ESFJs from others. They organize their own time well and are attentive and respectful of other people's time and commitments. Being themselves devoted to the family and the organization in which they work, they expect the same in return and are very disappointed if others fail to fulfill their obligations, break the rules and agreements, or let them down.
Are you a real ESFJ?
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For you, people are a priority, and caring for them is a pleasure
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You are a practical person with a clear moral code and values
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Keeping commitments and promises is your law, which you will never break
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At heart, you're vulnerable and you take criticism hard. You want people around you to appreciate you and recognize your contributions and participation in their lives
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You sincerely treasure relationships with your friends and family
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You love the structured and planned environment you are used to. It allows you to be as productive as possible
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You are devoted to your family and organization
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There are times when you want to control not only yourself, but also friends, colleagues, loved ones, and the general situation around you
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 If something suddenly changes, you don't feel your best and need time to orient yourself
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Teachers are very practical people who value knowledge about health, safety, and financial stability. They do not like abstract concepts that are far from practical implementation. ESFJs like a well-structured work environment and the presence of rules and instructions. They prefer organization and planning, as well as value clarity, predictability, and stability. Focusing on current tasks, they are very attentive to details but neglect the perspective vision. Taking into account the long-term possibility and planning long-term goals, Teachers will bring previously unfulfilled opportunities into their lives.

ESFJs respect authority and hierarchical structure. They pay a lot of attention to their appearance and take great care of their social status. They tend to control colleagues, children, and family members and are skeptical of changes and innovations until they are convinced of their objective necessity. Some conservatism and adherence to the known do not allow them to apply the latest trends and innovations in their work.

ESFJ personality type qualities are traditionally inherent in women. However, ESFJ men are also quite common. They are very masculine but sensual.

ESFJ strengths:

Organization. ESFJs are responsible, focused on practical solutions, actions, and results. They effectively organize work processes, willingly following the rules and instructions.

Friendliness. Teachers create a friendly and warm atmosphere in the team, paying special attention to relationships. They avoid conflicts and prefer a stable, supportive, harmonious working environment.

Practical and realistic. ESFJs are focused on practical solutions to problems. They are good at assessing the real situation, taking into account the needs of other people, and meeting them.

Reliability. Teachers strive to complete assigned tasks on time, are responsible for the result, and do not avoid performing routine tasks. You can always rely on them.

Loyalty. Teachers rarely engage in arguments and conflicts. They are committed to tradition and order, respect authority and hierarchical structure, and are loyal to employers.

Focus on people's feelings. ESFJs appreciate harmony in relationships and take care of other people's feelings, trying not to cause anyone discomfort.

Devotion. Teachers are deeply committed to their work and to the people they love and expect the same from others.

Commitment to tradition. ESFJs prefer a traditional approach to issues. They respect hierarchy and rarely make large changes in their lives.

Warm relationships. ESFJs, despite their practicality, are very empathetic people who surround their loved ones with care and create a comfortable atmosphere.

More about ESFJ

ESFJ's professions ESFJ's romantic relations ESFJ's working style ESFJ's conflict style ESFJ's leadership style ESFJ's decision-making style ESFJs under stress
ESFJ's professions ESFJ's romantic relations ESFJ's working style
ESFJ's conflict style ESFJ's leadership style ESFJ's decision-making style

Famous ESFJ people:

Martha Stewart

Jessica Alba

Harry Truman

Whitney Houston

Martha Stewart

Jessica Alba

Harry Truman

Whitney Houston

What will be useful for ESFJ to learn:

Ability to plan for the future. As a rule, ESFJs focus on the current situation and tend not to take into account the long-term consequences and prospects.

Try new things. ESFJs do not like changes, prefer to act in proven ways, and are not ready to leave their comfort zone. To complete new tasks related to learning new skills, they need additional motivation.

Don't take everything personally. Teachers have a hard time accepting criticism and suffer if someone questions their habits and ideas.

The ability to say "no." The inability to refuse favors or delegate tasks leads to the fact that ESFJs take on many obligations that they may not able to fully implement.

Healthy selfishness. ESFJs often focus on meeting other people's needs and forget about their desires. At the same time, they are very upset if they do not receive adequate recognition and gratitude.

Flexibility. Established values prevent ESFJs from listening to opinions that contradict their own.

Don't make excuses for people. Teachers faithfully believe in their loved ones. Even if there is real evidence of their guilt, ESFJs find it very difficult to believe it.

Not to depend on people's approval. In situations where Teachers' actions do not get the approval of others, they slow down, get lost, or doubt their abilities.

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