Artist ISFP

ISFP Artist
Personality type

Artist ISFP

Personality type

ISFP Artist

ISFP description:

ISFP is a person who is:

I (introverted) – focused on the inner world
S (sensing) – values facts and specifics
F (feeling) – trusts feelings in making decisions
P (perceiving) – prefers freedom and unpredictability
ISFPs are subtle, emotional, and sensitive natures, often with artistic perception and developed taste. For their subtle perception of reality, they are often called Artists.

ISFPs like to maintain warm relationships with people. They are not conflicted and are able to understand the feelings of another person. Often they are modest and underestimate themselves. It can be a challenge for them to express their thoughts, and especially difficult to firmly defend their rights and interests. Artists love when others are tactful and show their emotions delicately. It is easy to hurt or offend Artists with rude words.

Artists like to decide each time in a new way what they will do. They do not tolerate routine and strive to escape from its captivity by any means. Artists often live without goals and prefer to go with the flow and see what life offers them. Instead of creating important events in their lives, ISFPs often respond to circumstances and get involved in what other people suggest.

ISFPs live in the here and now. They know how to enjoy life and relationships. They like to do things that give a sense of pleasure and bring practical value to other people. What Artists neglect is their plans for the future. By giving preference to immediate things, they deprive themselves of the opportunity to connect the steps in the present with the consequences in the distant future.

They get pleasure from many things — from communication in the family, taking care of the house, interaction with animals and plants, from high-quality and delicious food, sex, art, hobbies, from everything they do with love. Family is often a key value for ISFPs. They are devoted and caring partners, attentive to the feelings of other people. Breakups and crises are extremely difficult for Artists to experience.
ISFP statistics in the world:
  • 9% of the total population
  • 10% of women
  • 8% of men
Artists don't like being the center of attention. Usually, they are quiet, unassuming people who are not ready to open up to the first person they meet. It's not easy to get into their close circle, but those who are familiar with ISFPs know that they are incredibly deep, responsive friends.

Artists are rarely ambitious and do not seek to build a brilliant career. ISFPs are not inclined to respond well to the control of other people. They don't like to rule and give orders, but they also don't like to obey. They like to do things in their own way, to remain independent in their decisions and actions. From minute to minute, they are ready to react to what life offers them. Artists like to enjoy the process more than the result.
Are you a real ISFP?
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You often underestimate yourself and your strengths
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You like to live in the moment, enjoying life, your occupation, and relationships with people
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Thousands of emotions and feelings live in you, but you are in no hurry to show them to strangers
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You experience persistent cravings for art, nature, and freedom throughout your life. You are able to sincerely sympathize with, give warmth to, and care for loved ones
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You would prefer your favorite creative occupation to a brilliant career in an office
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As opposed to large and noisy company in a bar, you prefer a narrow circle of close friends in your favorite cafe
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You do not like to speak in public, to make toasts at celebrations, or to draw extra attention to yourself
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You need to have personal space, to be able to move at your own pace
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You often make decisions based on your feelings and mood at the moment
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ISFPs don't like theorizing or complex concepts. It is difficult for them to make logical analyses; they make decisions with their heart, even in those moments when it is worth employing a cool mind. Hospitality is important for ISFPs, as they build relationships and make decisions based on an emotional response. They have their own system of values that guide them in life. For ISFPs it is important to feel connected to other people. They tend not to get involved in conflicts, which they avoid. It is difficult for them to say "no" and enter into a confrontation. As a result of this, other people may take advantage of Artists for their own purposes. They are very kind, gentle, impressionable, and attentive people.

Artists often have a creative talent or a developed sense of taste and artistic perception of reality. There are many ISFPs among art workers, and they are often found among artists, actors, writers, and film directors. It is important for Artists to find a business in which their creative energy is realized. In the absence of this, their lives will be incomplete.

ISFP strengths:

Sensitivity. ISFPs are deep and meaningful. They feel people well, as they are empathetic, attentive, and responsive. People trust them with their secrets and listen to their advice.

A special view of life. Artists have a subtle sense of the surrounding reality. They perceive the world as a bright palette, subtly experiencing and feeling the colors, smells, and tastes of the surrounding world. This often finds its creative embodiment in an artistic image.

Passion. ISFPs are modest and shy, but they also have a deep, passionate nature. When something or someone really fascinates them, they give it all their energy.

Kindness and responsiveness. ISFP people are very pleasant to communicate with. It's nice and comfortable with them. Artists bring harmony to the team and are happy to help other people. They are non-confrontational and prefer to work in a harmonious environment. If a conflict situation cannot be avoided, they strive to solve it in all possible ways.

Practicality. ISFPs love complex and interesting work with tangible results. They carefully collect facts, pay attention to details, analyze data, and work on the practical implementation of ideas.

Flexibility. Artists easily adapt to changes. They love freedom and improvisation, strive to work independently and not depend on others.

A subtle sense of beauty. ISFPs are passionate about creativity and art. They can see the beauty in nature and notice the beauty in every detail.

Creating new things. ISFPs are called Artists for a reason – they have a natural talent for bringing to life what no one has ever seen before or reworking what exists in a completely new way.

More about ISFP

ISFP's professions ISFP's romantic relations ISFP's working style ISFP's conflict style ISFP's leadership style ISFP's decision-making style ISFPs under stress
ISFP's professions ISFP's romantic relations ISFP's working style
ISFP's conflict style ISFP's leadership style ISFP's decision-making style

Famous ISFP people:


Barbra Streisand

Michael Jackson
Jacqueline Kennedy


Barbra Streisand

Michael Jackson

Jacqueline Kennedy

What will be useful for ISFP to learn:

Long-term planning. It is difficult for them to plan for the future, set long-term goals, and work on them. As a result, they are only busy with the most pressing matters.

Ability to work with complex tasks. ISFPs tend to work with details. It is difficult for them to see the big picture or to conduct a multi-faceted project with different levels of complexity.

The ability to defend an opinion. It is difficult for them to defend their ideas in front of other people. It is also difficult to say "no," refuse, and prove their point of view. Often other people can take advantage of this.

Self-organization. ISFPs have difficulty completing tasks that are not particularly interesting to them. Routine kills them.

Show firmness when required. ISFPs are afraid of hurting people's feelings; they may have difficulty getting things done in the way they want or managing people.

Don't depend on the approval of others. Artists want to hear words of encouragement all the time and to see that they are understood and approved. Without this, they become closed, aggressive, and can't maintain a stable self-esteem.

To be open to communication. ISFPs let very few people close. Even those they do let in do not always manage to properly understand the thoughts of the Artists because of their closed nature.

Time management. Planning how much time they need to finish a task or what time they have to leave home so as not to be late is a nightmare for Artists. Nevertheless, it is an important part of life, and they should be able to cope with it.

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